What Are the Protocols Used in the EUCOMM and KOMP-CSD ES Cell Production Pipelines?
EUCOMM Gateway protocols
High Throughput Gateway (96 Well) Reactions
Three Way Gateway Reaction (In tubes)
02 November 2011
How is the "critical" exon decided in CSD alleles?
A number of criteria are applied when choosing the critical exon for a KOMP-CSD or EUCOMM allele, but not every gene can have all criteria fulfilled:
27 April 2011
What are the EUCOMM and KOMP-CSD gene targeting cassettes?
EUCOMM and KOMP-CSD Gene Targeting Cassettes
Promoter-Containing Targeting Cassettes
The targeting cassette is flanked by L1/L2 Gateway sites for insertion into R1/R2 Gateway sites upstream of the critical exon(s) in the intermediate v...
31 March 2011
What are the EUCOMM and KOMP-CSD targeting vector plasmid backbones?
These are the EUCOMM and KOMP-CSD targeting vector plasmid backbones
31 March 2011
Using Knockout-first ES cells to produce mice?
I am about to generate KO animals using ES cells from KOMP knockout for a particular gene using the KO first allele promoter driven approach. If I am not wrong, I can use these cells directly to generate a KO animal without any treatment...
08 February 2011
What are the IKMC allele types?
Summary of all IKMC allele types
The wild-type is represented as a transcript with three exons. The ‘floxed’ exon (the exon that will be deleted for the null allele) is exon number 2.
24 August 2010
Which Exons Are "Floxed" by My Conditional Knockout?
You can find this out yourself by following these steps:
05 August 2010
Would be possible to delete the neo cassette independently from the exon?
Yes, the targeting cassette in EUCOMM and KOMP-CSD alleles, is flanked by FRT sites, such that it can be removed independently from the critical exon by means of Flip recombination. This results in the conditional allele (tm1c in the figure). Addi...
12 May 2010
What is a KOMP “product”?
A KOMP “product” combines targeting vectors, ES cell clones, mice, and frozen germplasm generated and derived by the KOMP mutagenesis teams: the CSD consortium and Regeneron, Inc:
15 December 2009
What are the targeting constructs used for making the KOMP products?
The KOMP Repository acquires products from the two KOMP mutagenesis teams, the CSD Consortium (CHORI, Sanger Institute, and UC Davis) and Regeneron. The following are general details of construct design for each of the two production centers.
15 December 2009
What is available from the KOMP Repository?
KOMP products and services are available from the KOMP Repository. The Repository hosts the vectors, ES cells, mice, embryos, and sperm generated by the NIH KOMP Mutagenesis Project. These “products” are generated by two KOMP mutagenesis teams (th...
15 December 2009