The long range PCR (LR-PCR) genotyping primers may be obtained from the through the International Knockout Mouse Consortium (IKMC) website (, searching for the gene target in question and following the links for details on the appropriate project and allele.
Here’s an example, starting with gene Art4: the search for this gene takes you to this search results page:
Following the ‘Details’ link takes you to this page:
The link marked ‘Project:39216’ takes you to this page:
This link will (by Autumn 2011) display the genotying primers. In the meantime, you can find them at the ‘old’ project page, here:
- notice we have simply substituted the URL ending /project/ with the URL ending ?project_id= and kept the same project id.
This convoluted procedure won’t be neccessary by Autumn 2011.
Alternatively, end-users can directly contact the KOMP repository ( or the EUCOMM repository ( to provide them with details.