ES Cells
Upon user request EuMMCR thaws, expands and re-freezes several aliquots of the requested clone(s) in order to be able to provide the user with one aliquot and sustain the resource. Our controls include a PCR ensuring that the ES cell preparation is mycoplasma free and the verification or the genotype using one gene specific primer and one generic primer adjacent to the downstream loxP site. ES cell culture and the control means between 4-6 weeks lab work for us.
From the lab’s point of view, EuMMCR is able to send the ES cell clones out after 4-6 week most of the times.
Targeting Vectors
Upon request EuMMCR prepares DNA of targeting vectors, starting from the glycerol cultures we received from the EUCOMM vector production lab. For quality control we do restriction mapping on the vectors. This also will take between 4-6 weeks.